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Welcome, the workshop is a safe space where everyone is appreciated.  Join Chuck Hartman as he talks and sings with children about issues related to their everyday life.  This new episodic video series for children and families explores and celebrates the complicated world of childhood.  Chuck gives children space to marvel, create, and enjoy all that goes on inside and outside the workshop. 


In each program, Mister Chuck transitions to fantasy—a whimsical world populated by puppets and humans.  Each installment teaches a life lesson and demonstrates coping skills for young children to manage fear, anger, stress, excitement, and more.


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Mister Chuck's Workshop

Chuck Hartman setting up fantasy


Each episode is a stand-alone segment, but the episodes work in sequences of seven.  For example, there are seven programs themed around "light and dark."  Mister Chuck explores ways children can be brave in darkness, enjoy the nighttime, appreciate stars, make a nightlight, et cetera.  Each program builds on the next.  At the end of a seven-day theme, the series advances to the following seven segments that share a group theme.



Chuck Singing and making a musical

Chuck Hartman has education in music, art, psychology, and child development; hence, the workshop provides an outlet where he can employ all his skills.  "The workshop is a labor of love.  I hope you will drop in and spend some time with me.  The days when you are near are always better."  


Mumbo at his workshop in fantasy

Mister Chuck's Workshop has a robust soundtrack of original songs.  Many of these help children understand what to do with their hands when they are angry, why a smile is vital, and anything is possible through imagination and pretend.  




Chuck Hartman reading to his guest

Available At



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2022 The Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts :: DAVEY AWARDS :: Silver :: General-Other for Online Film & Video


2022 The Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts :: W3 Awards :: Silver :: General Video, Web Series, Individual Episode for Video


2022 Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals :: dotCOMM Awards :: Platinum :: Category: Video, Long Form


2021 International Awards Associate :: MUSE Creative Awards :: Silver :: Category: Video, Sub-category: Children


2021 The Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts :: Communicator Award :: Silver :: Film/Video-Children's Audience


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